
Justyna Jablonska's Lost & Found


This was probably one of my favourite projects last year. Performed at the Edinburgh Fringe in August, Lost & Found: A Cellist’s Journey, was a rumination on Justyna Jablonska’s personal and musical journey from Poland to Scotland after finishing high school in her hometown of Łódź. It mixed cello, electronica and video projections to tell the artist’s story.

Justyna and I have worked together on several projects in recent years and it’s always a joy and a challenge. For Lost & Found, my task was to take promotional images, design the artwork and produce a trailer for the show. Justyna wanted everything to have a vintage, analog feel so most of the images were shot on film and I tried to incorporate that aesthetic in the promo artwork and video.

While Justyna is based in Edinburgh, we took the main promo images in Glasgow as its industrial history and vibe are closer to Łódź, where Justyna is originally from. Have a look below:

Promo Poster for the Edinburgh Fringe

Nikon FM + Nikkor 100mm f1.8
Kodak 400TX

Nikon D850 + Nikkor 85mm f1.4
Tiffen Black Pro-mist 1/4 Filter

Sony A7III + Sony 85mm f1.8
Tiffen Black Pro-mist 1/4 Filter

Sony A7III + DJI RS 2
Sony 35mm f1.8
Sony 85mm f1.8
Tiffen Black Pro-mist 1/4 FilterS

Behind The Scenes with Horse

“Leaving” is the new single from Horse, it premiered earlier this month and I had the pleasure of working on the music video to accompany the song.

Autumn this year will mark 10 years since Horse and I started working together (yes, there will be a blog about that too down the line), we’ve done a variety of projects over the decade but this was the first time doing a music video together.

Loosely inspired by Joan of Arc and filmed at the National Theatre of Scotland last December, it was a very low-key affair largely due to Covid-19 restrictions. We got the absolutely phenomenal Michelle Watson to style the shoot and do the make up. She also created the custom crowns Horse is seen wearing throughout the clip, while the mesh and armour bits were kindly provided by the National Theatre of Scotland’s costume department (thank you Aileen!).

I can’t lie, Horse is a legend and I was really nervous about doing her and the new song justice. I also had the idea of doing something a little bit different for her and showing Horse in a way that she’s never been seen before. Luckily, over the years of working together we became very good friends, she trusted me and gave her all on the shoot. Neither the armour nor the sword was light, and I had her running about, swinging the damn thing and lip-syncing for hours on end.

I’m pleased to say we’re still friends and Horse thinks the effort was worth it. I hope you think so too - have a look at the final video below followed by a few behind the scenes snaps taken on the day:

Nikon D850 + Nikkor 85mm f1.4
Tiffen Black Pro-mist 1/4 Filter
FujiFilm x100v

Sony A7III
Sony 35mm f1.8
Sony 85mm f1.8
Tiffen Black Pro-mist 1/4 Filters
DJI RS 2 Gimbal
Profoto B10 + Profoto OCF Beauty Dish 2'
Neewer CN-216 LED Light x 2
Video edited in FCPX


I’ve known Samson, aka Dunt, for many years - he plays drums for Horse whom I collaborate with frequently. He’s also a brilliant producer in his own right, however, and last summer we took some promo images for him at Dry Docks in Govan. It was a very simple affair, just the two of us and a camera, have a look:

Nikon D850 + Nikkor 85mm f1.4
Tiffen Black Pro-mist 1/4 Filter

Travelling Mercies

“Travelling Mercies” is a recent album from husband and wife duo Ashton Lane, and it topped UK Official Country Artists Album Charts earlier this year. I was approached by Esther and Tim last summer to photograph and design the album packaging. The shoot took place last September in one of my favourite places, Mugdock Park. In fact, I keep meaning to do a separate blog devoted to sessions I did there over the years (and there have been many), hopefully I’ll get to it soon. Anyway, back to Ashton Lane, I always get a bit nervous when my brief for a Glasgow based shoot includes words “outdoors” and “sunny” simultaneously - I may have many tricks up my sleeve but controlling the weather isn’t one of them so all you can do is hope that you’ll get lucky. And lucky we were indeed - it was a beautiful sunny evening, perfect for what we were trying to achieve.

Behind the scenes:

Nikon D850 + Nikkor 85mm f1.4


Seafret are Jack Sedman and Harry Draper, two super talented guys from Northern England, who released their debut album in 2016. Last summer they were filming a video for their recent single “Monsters” and I was asked to take some promotional images for the band in between takes. It ended up being one of my favourite shoots of 2018 - very laid back, all natural and relaxed, in a great setting (ex-dynamite storage warehouse in Ayrshire with lots of weird stuff inside and in the surrounding area). I recently worked with Seafret again while they were up in Glasgow recording but for now here are some images from that first shoot last summer:

Location scouting shots:


Nikon D4
Nikkor 50mm f1.4