Queen's Hall

The Same Sky 30 Live

I’ve now worked with Horse for almost a decade and have written about our various collaborations a few times (here, here and here for example). Over the years we became friends and being in her company, whether informally or professionally, is always a joy so when I’m asked to join her on yet another project I say yes without asking too many questions. This time it was to photograph a very special gig at Edinburgh’s Queen’s Hall last November celebrating 30 years of “The Same Sky”, Horse’s debut album. It was a brilliant, emotional show - from a haunting version of “Careful” backed by a 3-peace string section to a full on disco blast of “Could It Be Magic”, it was a night to remember. Lucky for those who missed it, the evening was filmed for a future DVD release (which I’m about to start editing - not a daunting task, at all…). In the meantime, some images from the night:

Behind the Scenes / Soundcheck:

The Same Sky 30 Live:

Nikon D4
Nikon D850
Nikkor 85mm f1.4
Nikkor 50mm f1.4
Nikkor 24-70mm f2.8

Bare Knuckle

"Bare Knuckle" is the title of Chris Stout & Catriona McKay's new album. It was released last December to unanimous critical acclaim and the duo has just been nominated for BBC Radio 2 Folk Award 2018 (Best Duo category). I've worked with Chris and Catriona for many years but "Bare Knuckle" was definitely the first time I was involved in their project to such extent - from promotional photoshoot to album artwork and promo posters, from filming the title track's music video to covering the album launch at Queen's Hall in Edinburgh. I'm a bit of a control freak when it comes to my work so being able to oversee every aspect of this album's rollout (creatively speaking at least) was truly rewarding. It's also been an absolute pleasure, sometimes a challenge (I'd never done a music video before) but above all a genuine privilege to work with artists of this calibre who also happen to be really decent human beings.