
A Decade with Horse

10 Years of working with Horse McDonald

Horse was a customer at a coffee shop I used to work at in Finnieston when I was a student in Glasgow in the mid-2000s (waaaaaay before the area was deemed the new Shoreditch). I didn't know who she was at the time, just another person I was making coffee for, and I certainly couldn't have predicted we would not only work together but also become close friends in the future.

Our first proper introduction happened during a Jill Jackson gig at the Renfrew Ferry in early 2011 (I wrote about my decade of photographing Jill here). We recognised each other from the coffee shop and briefly spoke about the possibility of working together at some point.

That opportunity came along when Horse was gearing up for the release of her album “Home” and needed some publicity shots. We spent a brilliant day with her band in Strachur in October 2012 and it marked the beginning of a fruitful working relationship which eventually turned into friendship. There have been photoshoots, countless live gigs and most recently, a music video for her banging single “Leaving”.

It was actually working with Horse that lead to me exploring video work. I was doing some behind-the-scenes shots on a music video of hers and the guys filming asked for assistance. I’d been asked by clients to do filming many times at that point but I always refused, I was too scared of the medium and worried I wouldn’t be able to translate the visual style of my photography work into moving image. Having helped on that video for Horse demystified the process for me and made me go “Oh, that’s really not that different from photography, I can do it!”.

You can see the “Leaving” video, shots from every collaboration we’ve done over the past decade (including previously unreleased images) as well some personal snaps below.

“Leaving” Music Video.


Ugh... It's been way too long since I've written anything but trust me, it's not for the lack of trying. It's March already and I don't even know what happened to February, let alone January. 2013 started off with a bang and it just keeps going. OK, I admit I have no clue what that's supposed to mean but it's late, I'm tired and my brain is fried so bear with me. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've been extremely busy and thus neither had the time nor the energy to write anything. Some people blog all the time and make it seem effortless. Well, I'm not one of those people. There are quite a few different projects I would like to let you know about but this time I'm just going to mention a very special live event I was asked to photograph. Horse McDonald played the legendary Barrowlands in Glasgow last night accompanied by the Scottish Chamber Orchestra (conducted by Sally Herbert). The gig was flawless, electric and it was an absolute honour to have the opportunity to work alongside such talented people:


As it happens, it wasn't the first time I worked with Horse. Last year we went with her band to Strachur to take some promotional images for the new album Home. It was a horrible day, most of the shoot was outdoors and it was raining but I somehow remember it very fondly and, more importantly, we managed to get some decent shots in the end:


One of the main reasons the Strachur shoot is remembered so fondly by all involved is the hospitality with which we were received. The very talented Jacqueline Orr (whose paining is used on the cover of Horse's new album) was our host for the day and not only did she hold an umbrella over us when needed but also treated everyone to the most speculator feast - leg of lamb, champagne, wine, dessert, cheese, the works! This should be the rider for my photoshoots from now on: it's either lamb or I keep the lens cap on - blame Jacqueline! ;-)

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horse-home-strachur 327 (2).jpg

So that's that, first post of the year. Don't know if I should feel celebratory or embarrassed that it took me so long but here we are. Happy 2013 to all of you.