Zenit 11

FujiFilm x100v

Thoughts on FujiFilm X100v Camera

My name is Kris and I am a lazy photographer. What I mean by that is that I’ve never been the type of photographer who carries a camera everywhere they go, taking pictures of anything and everything. I’ve always admired such people, I’m just not one of them. I value comfort and practicality above all else. See? Lazy. When I started taking photos, it was with a Zenit 11 and that camera is built like a Soviet tank, not exactly a “throw-in-your-pocket” type of equipment (although it could certainly double as a weapon if one had to defend themselves). In recent years, with photography becoming my full-time job, I’ve worked with various Nikon DSLRs - D700, D4, D850 - but these are expensive cameras to be carrying around and not exactly light or compact either. I’ve realised, however, that I missed taking snaps of my friends or of places I was visiting. I’d usually use my iPhone for that but it never feels right for me, no matter how great the phone cameras are these days. And this is what brought me to the FujiFilm x100 series.

I’d been watching various YouTube videos about these cameras, reading reviews, checking prices on eBay, and last year I eventually bit the bullet and bought the then recently released x100v model. First of all, it’s beautiful. I often feel that in the digital age the aesthetics of a camera are the last to be considered. I realise that what a camera looks like isn’t of utmost importance for most, and I’m not too bothered about it either when it comes to the equipment I use for work (the Nikons aren’t exactly ugly but they won’t be winning beauty contests anytime soon). However, if I’m going to carry a camera with me every day, I want it to be compact, practical, and, yes - pretty. And the old-school, analog-borrowed look of the whole x100 series is really lovely (I went for the silver model). As for the performance, I’ve been shooting with x100v for almost a year now, always have it in my bag, and I really love it - it definitely exceeded my expectations when it comes to image quality and it also brought back the joy of taking photos just for fun, without overthinking. I’ve got it set on Aperture priority and don’t worry about much else. I mainly use it for personal things: meeting friends, traveling, behind the scenes, etc, but I’ve also occasionally taken it out on work shoots and ended up with decent results. All in all, I’m super happy with it, and here are some examples of snaps I’ve taken with the FujiFilm x100v so far:

Analog Photography

Digital photography didn't exist when my interest in taking pictures begun. I was 16 when my parents got me a second-hand Zenit 11, and in order to get my head around it, I enrolled in a photography workshop where l learned the basics of an SLR, as well as how to develop negatives and prints. My first digital camera was a Nikon D40 which I got on sale in 2009, and I've been shooting digital ever since. I love digital, I enjoy its flexibility, the control it gives over your files and the retouching process, as well as the speed.

Having said that, I've been missing shooting analog for some time. I feel like I second-guessed myself less when I shot film and was more confident in my abilities. Admittedly, I was a teenager then and that might've simply been the arrogance/ignorance of youth, but I felt drawn back to the days of shooting analog nevertheless. You can get really snap-happy with digital just because you can, rather than because you need each frame, so I wanted to remind myself of the discipline of shooting film where each shutter pressing matters, and where you don’t have the digital LCD screen on the back of your camera to double check the exposure. And so a couple of years ago I got a Canon AE-1 (with a 50mm f1.8 lens) on eBay and started shooting analog again. Not for commissioned stuff, cause that would be commercial suicide, but for personal projects, behind-the-scenes shots, friends and such. I've tried different films and fell back in love with Kodak (duh!) which is incidentally what I used to shoot all my black & white stuff on back in the 90s.

I don’t develop my own film or prints these days as I don’t have the time and, to be perfectly honest, don’t think I’d have the patience anymore. I’ve been using DS Colour Labs for that and they’ve been great. All in all, it’s been an educational and interesting return to basics for me, if frustrating at times. I’ve realised I shoot differently on analog, I even tend to frame images in a different way than on digital. Conversely, I’m not as trigger-happy when working with a digital camera now. I’ve actually got a couple of bigger 100% analog projects lined up at the moment, and I’m dying to get a Rolleiflex and try shooting medium format, but for the time being here are a few images taken on film over the past couple of years:

New & Old Beginnings

Uhm, yeah, so I have no clue what happened to me and the whole idea of rebooting this blog, i.e. writing regularly. You know, like maybe more than once in 6 months. It's been a weird year so far though, both personally and professionally, so sitting down and writing about pretty pictures wasn't at the height of my priorities. Anyways, onwards and upwards and since photography has recently officially become my sole source of income and full-time occupation I should hope I'd be able to blog about it more regularly. Famous last words, right? Anyways, since this is a new beginning of sorts for me I thought it would only be fitting to talk about my actual photographic roots and I've recently found a picture that might be a great illustration of this:


This is my younger sister Ania, victim of many photographic experiments since her early years. I'm pretty sure this was around 1992 so I would've been 12 - 13 years old and as you can see this was a high concept shoot - set decoration included exotic plant and the subject's hair was styled on Lisa Stansfield during her "All Around The World" phase. The camera was a semi-automatic Samsung if I'm not mistaken and some basic Kodak film was used. And of course, we need to give a special mention to the innovative use of white background here. The point is, I clearly didn't have the tools and knowledge to execute what I had in mind but the concept was there. I'd like to think I've come a long way since then but the truth of the matter is I still quite often feel like I'm basically winging it.

The aforementioned Samsung camera got eventually stolen and to replace it my parents got me a proper SLR, a second-hand Zenit 11, and that's when I got a bit more serious about photography - learned how to develop film, prints, etc. I've still got that Zenit kicking about:
